How We Help

Programs Offered:

Facility At No Cost or Discounted Rates and Financial Assistance to Start a Business

Every disabled warrior or an immediate family member of a martyred warrior has unique challenges and goals. We know that the transition to civilian life is a journey for every disabled warrior and/or an immediate family member of a martyred warrior. Often times, warriors who incurred a physical or mental disability while serving in the military find it difficult to transition to civilian life. They have difficulty finding a job or do not have the financial ability to start a business.

Every warrior should have a positive outlook for the future. Our mission is to help disabled warriors and/or an immediate family member of a martyred warrior. We are here to provide you a facility at no cost or discounted rates and assist you with start-up costs associated with a new business.

Housing Solutions

Home improvement renovation projects necessary to accommodate wounded warriors with their disabilities and reduce the burden on wounded warriors’ family members. Projects include accessible restrooms and bedrooms, additions of platform lifts to allow for easy wheelchair access from the ground floor or elevated areas in their homes.

Educational Solutions

Wounded warriors returning or going to college for the first time face many challenges, such as making sure all necessary materials have been purchased, staying afloat financially, and working toward a degree that offers true career potential. In addition, wounded warriors have medical issues to deal with, such as PTSD, or need special accommodations on campus to help with travel to and from the classroom. To help current and aspiring wounded warriors and their families, Armenian Warriors serves to address the many challenges that current college and college-bound wounded warriors face daily, including those of a financial, social, academic, and medical nature.


The AW mission is to honor martyred and empower disabled warriors co-incident to their service on or after the April 2016 Artsakh War. You have served with honor, and it is now our turn to serve you.

We will purchase lands in Armenian cities and build a mixed use (office/retail) structures to accomplish AW’s mission. Each project will create approximately 10 to 20 temporary construction jobs and 20 to 25 permanent jobs.

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