AW is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Yes. Donations to AW are tax deductible in the United States.
All donations are used to honor martyred and empower disabled warriors co-incident to their service on or after the April 2016 Artsakh War. We hope to provide a facility at no cost or discounted rates and assist with start-up costs associated with a new business. In other words, the plan is to purchase lands in Armenian cities and build a mixed use (office/retail) structures to accomplish AW’s mission. We estimate that each project will create 10 to 20 temporary construction jobs and 20 to 25 permanent jobs.
Our core team is currently located in the United States.
AW board members and officers are not receiving compensation for their time and services. Our warriors served with honor and courage—we want to rise to the occasion and serve them in return.
No. AW is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political, and non-religious organization.

Prior to last year’s war, there were an estimated 186,000 people living with disabilities in Armenia. While the national unemployment rate stands at around 18%, the rate among the disabled is a staggering 92%. And while the state provides disability compensation to citizens, payments are only roughly $35–$45 a month.
Armenian authorities have also not yet released the precise number of soldiers killed and wounded in action, but an estimated 4,000 warriors may have lost their lives, not including those warriors who are wounded and disabled, unidentified and being held as hostages. The numbers speak for themselves, but behind every number is a shattered mother, father, sister, brother and an entire nation. With the support of your donation, we can give a voice to our disabled warriors and family members of a martyred warrior. Donate now.

We honor martyred and empower disabled warriors co-incident to their service on or after the April 2016 Artsakh War. AW will purchase lands in Armenian cities and build a mixed use–office/retail structures to provide a facility to our disabled warriors and/or a family member of a martyred warrior. These office and retail structures are provided at no cost or discounted rates and AW will assist with start-up costs associated with a new business. AW is unique in that each project will create approximately 10 to 20 temporary construction jobs and 20 to 25 permanent jobs.
A family member of a martyred warrior or a disabled warrior who incurred a physical or mental disability while serving in the military on or after the April 2016 Artsakh War.